Saturday, September 4, 2010


What is it about growing older that makes us sometimes become more reserved about showing and giving love when it should be the opposite. Because my boy is so willing to give love, I have noticed I am reserved in giving love. It is because I make the excuses of trying to be "respectful" or "proper." Three incidents have happened in the last 2 weeks that I have been amazed with.

1. We were in the grocery store stopped in one of the aisles while I was getting something off the shelf. When I turn around and see Nixon hugging this little 5 year old girl. I said, "Oh Nixon that is so nice you want to hug people, but sometimes we don't need to hug everyone..." Do we?

2. While in the children's section in the library, I was sitting on the little bench right by Nixon who was playing with a toy we always spend some time at. When a little girl around his age came up to play as well. He played with her for a few minutes, then randomly gave her a hug and attempted a kiss. I was there to stop the kiss from happening... Should I have?

3. Yesterday we were at a garage sale. A little boy probably around 3 years old was at the house. Nixon told him some cool stories, of course about how fast his Lightning McQueen car can go. Then as I was looking at some things, he gave him a hug and planted a kiss on the little boy's forehead. The little boy looked at him for 10 seconds, and then with excitement said, "He likes me!"

Looking back on the 3 incidents, I felt awkward. My thoughts were, we don't know them, they could be crazy, etc. But why do I? Yes, they are perfect strangers, but why not treat them with love?

The challenge is to say Hi, or notice someone who is a perfect stranger who could use a hello, hug or smile. Reach beyond any walls you have created... maybe they don't need to be there.

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