Wednesday, April 20, 2011

loving mommy hood

It is remarkable how the Lord works, little did I know that becoming pregnant after only 3 months of marriage to my love would be exactly what I needed. I did not think it at the time...fear, uncertainty, and lack of understanding led me to question why?

Yet, as time as gone by watching my tiny baby turn into a growing toddler I have realized more and more... that it is the only thing I needed, along with my hubby, to lead me onto the path of growth, knowledge, and a softer heart. So many "lessons" I have taken note of, tried to apply, and still needing to apply, but working at it, have come from this little angel of a boy.

Boy was I wrong when thinking I had my life planned out... I had this and that I was to accomplish before becoming a mommy. Yet, it seems I have accomplished more through my mom journey... as hard as it may be at times. Mommy hood is the best place to be for me.

And while expecting our second child in September... mommy hood seems to take on a whole new importance. Mommy hood is my calling. My place. And where I can and should find the greatest joys.

Sometimes its hard... the monotony of it all... and then moments like these come, when I realize... that's part of it! And it is ok! It is ok I find myself staying indoors the entire day, no outside interaction. Because I have my boy, my hubby, my little one on the way, and my God to pray to, to remind me of that. And he being the gracious God he is, sends it to me. Just when I need it... and hopefully this time I can keep that "lesson" engrained into my soul.

May we remember what greatness lies in our mommy hood.


Again, too long has passed since my last post. Maybe some of you are thinking, now she has a 2 year old-- not learning as many lessons, but oh quite the contrary.

Lessons come daily.
Lessons come in ways not expected.
Lessons come and I hope I can learn them.

My sweet Nixon is a two-year-old, has his two-year-old moments, but more importantly has his many moments that stun me with wisdom beyond his age. Or is it that we have wisdom at a young age, lose it, and spend life grasping any of it that we can?

It seems this time I have a lesson to learn in sympathy.

Nixon just started last week consoling me. I don't know where he came up with it or if he feels a certain vibe I am putting off. But four times in the last week my little boy looks into my eyes, comes close, gently strokes my cheeks, and utters the most simple yet soothing words...
"Mama, it'd be ok. Daddy's at work, but Nixon here. It'd be ok mama."

I truly have been missing my hubby of late. It seems work, school, church callings, family gatherings, or whatever it may be has left me craving more than just 10 or 20 minutes of hurried conversations to keep updated on the day and then off to the next thing. However, he graduates in ONE WEEK! Can't wait! And it seems my little boy can sense this. And not only does he sense it, but he knows exactly what to say to soothe an aching heart. And I am oh so glad, "Nixon [is] here."

How simply incredible would it be if we could tap into this sense of aching hearts... and offer simple, soothing words coupled with lots of love to heal, support, uplift, and encourage.

So that is the challenge. Maybe search a little deeper and find that aching heart, and offer simple, soothing words coupled with lots of love to heal, support, uplift, and encourage!

Friday, December 17, 2010


Today while putting Nixon down for a nap he kept asking for Jesus songs, so I decided to sing a few Christmas songs about Jesus, Silent Night and Away in a Manger. While singing Away in a Manger, running my fingers through my sweet boys hair, looking him in the eye, and seeing him look back at me with such peace in his countenance, I couldn't help but compare the drastic difference in my circumstance as a mother and Mary's circumstance as a mother. My boy lay on a nice bed with his favorite, blue blanket and a pillow. My boy has warm clothes and a warm house. Jesus came as a baby in such humble circumstances. I think of how Mary and Joseph must have cuddled and held Jesus so close and tight to keep him warm. I think of the stray he lay in, how rough against a sweet, new babies skin. And yet, how great was our rejoicing as he was born to begin His earthly ministry. What great things we have to be thankful for.

What an incredible song Away in a Manger is at recalling us to His birth and what He did for us. As well as helping us remember what he does for us each day, and what He can do for us. While singing the last verses of the song, I sung Nixon's name in place of I and us, and an incredible new conviction of gratitude came to me as tears filled my eyes. I realized He can look down from the sky, stay by Nixon's side, be near him, bless him, and ultimately because of Jesus, my little Nixon can return "to Heaven to live with [Him] there."

I love Thee, Lord Jesus
Look down from the sky
And stay by NIXON'S side,
'Til morning is nigh.

Be near me, Lord Jesus,
I ask Thee to stay
Close by me forever
And love me I pray

Bless all the dear children
In Thy tender care
And take NIXON to heaven
To live with Thee there

Wow- what beautiful words and meaning. It was such a realty check today of how much I can improve on showing my gratitude to Jesus Christ for what He means to me and my family.

What can I do better?

Well there are so many ways to show our gratitude to Christ and it can be very individual and personal

So the challenge is to choose a way to show gratitude to Jesus Christ for all He has done and will do in our lives. Especially during this time of remembrance of His humble birth, lets think about Him more, thank Him more, and show that through our actions.

Have a very Merry CHRIST-mas!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Its been far too long since my last post. We have had many changes and milestones happen in our lives the past couple months. Most notable are moving into our first home and Nixon turning 2!

Now I am back into the blogging world and going to be posting at least weekly!

The most recent lesson I have learned BECAUSE MY BOY... is the importance of prayer.

Just this month Nixon started to say his own prayers. Although my husband and I help him still, he adds in his own sentences. Mainly he says he is grateful for his blue McQueen, his bumblebee car, his motorcycle, and his other motorcycle. It is so precious and humble. Without fail every time he prays, my heart beams with joy and peace. Hearing his sweet voice pray for such innocent things just melts my heart.

And the lesson came so quickly that I could not have learned any other way besides hearing my own child pray...

When we pray, God rejoices.

He must beam with joy and peace each time his children humbly pray to him. What a great new meaning prayer is to me. And I realize how truly important daily prayer is. God wants us to talk with Him and get to know Him more through consistent prayer.

The challenge is to pray. Pray in humility, pray with a heart as a child, pray with a desire to be close to God, pray for things you are grateful for that you typically do not mention, or simply start to pray. Not only will it bring joy to God, but to us as well.

Monday, September 27, 2010


Last week Nixon made me realize how a true, excited expression of love can rejuvenate, motivate, uplift, and encourage that same type of love to be reciprocated. My sweetest little boy expresses his love perfectly. He knows just how to make my heart squirm with happiness.

He does this by randomly and excitingly yelling, "I love you!" And that random expression is what is so incredible to me. For example, just as I got him out of the car to go into the grocery store he quickly wrapped his tiny arms around my neck, squeezed tightly, and exclaimed, "I love you!" It seems he knows just the right time to express his love.

Another example of this perfect love came when we were playing outside last week. We were coloring outside enjoying the weather. I was sitting on the first step of the staircase. Nixon put down his colored pencils, walked up to the second stair, then jumped onto my back with his arms around my neck, exclaiming, "I LOVE YOU TODAY!" He did this probably 25 times... yes half of it was probably for the fun of jumping off the stair onto my back, but all 25 times he repeated, "I LOVE YOU TODAY!" And I was left laughing, smiling, and completely rejuvenated from his expression of love. It also left me contemplating the last word of his Yes, just as a little boy knows, we need to know we are loved today, tomorrow, and everyday.

This weeks challenge is to excitedly exclaim, "I LOVE YOU!" Tell those you care for that you love them EVERYDAY! Another addition to this challenge is to read the New York Times Bestseller book, The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman if you have not read it; or you could read it again!

I am in the middle of this book and absolutely love it. I believe we all feel loved by having the love expressed to us in our own love language. Personally, I have a mixture of a few love languages and it wasn't until reading this book that I realized which ones they were. This book also helps you understand others love languages and how to love them the best. My husband and I have different love languages, and I think it is crucial to understand that so I don't only express my love for him in my language, but also in his. With this understanding the felt and expressed in my life has drastically changed for the better.

So I suggest reading this book to help you know how to excitedly exclaim, "I LOVE YOU!"

Good luck! Feel free to comment on your experiences.

Monday, September 20, 2010

slow down and enjoy.

Nixon loves the outdoors! He plays, laughs, and enjoys every minute we are outside. And already at such a young age he recognizes the great beauties of the world. For example, last month we went camping in the Uintah Mountains. As we were driving up the mountain, with trees and mountains surrounding us, Nixon said, "WOW! Beeauutiful!"
Then just a few weeks ago, Nixon did the same thing looking at the moon at night. "WOW! Beeauutiful!"

We truly to live in a beautiful world that has been created for our enjoyment. The challenge this week is to go outdoors and enjoy it. Take a few minutes out of your hectic day, slow down, and enjoy all the beauties around you no matter where you live. How great would it be if we could take just a few minutes every day to regroup and refocus as we breathe in the beauty. Then, give thanks for what glorious creations we have!

Here are just a few pictures of what we have enjoyed!
Newport Beach
Payson Canyon
Salt Lake City
The Getty Museum in California
Laguna Beach

Saturday, September 4, 2010


What is it about growing older that makes us sometimes become more reserved about showing and giving love when it should be the opposite. Because my boy is so willing to give love, I have noticed I am reserved in giving love. It is because I make the excuses of trying to be "respectful" or "proper." Three incidents have happened in the last 2 weeks that I have been amazed with.

1. We were in the grocery store stopped in one of the aisles while I was getting something off the shelf. When I turn around and see Nixon hugging this little 5 year old girl. I said, "Oh Nixon that is so nice you want to hug people, but sometimes we don't need to hug everyone..." Do we?

2. While in the children's section in the library, I was sitting on the little bench right by Nixon who was playing with a toy we always spend some time at. When a little girl around his age came up to play as well. He played with her for a few minutes, then randomly gave her a hug and attempted a kiss. I was there to stop the kiss from happening... Should I have?

3. Yesterday we were at a garage sale. A little boy probably around 3 years old was at the house. Nixon told him some cool stories, of course about how fast his Lightning McQueen car can go. Then as I was looking at some things, he gave him a hug and planted a kiss on the little boy's forehead. The little boy looked at him for 10 seconds, and then with excitement said, "He likes me!"

Looking back on the 3 incidents, I felt awkward. My thoughts were, we don't know them, they could be crazy, etc. But why do I? Yes, they are perfect strangers, but why not treat them with love?

The challenge is to say Hi, or notice someone who is a perfect stranger who could use a hello, hug or smile. Reach beyond any walls you have created... maybe they don't need to be there.
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