Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Its been far too long since my last post. We have had many changes and milestones happen in our lives the past couple months. Most notable are moving into our first home and Nixon turning 2!

Now I am back into the blogging world and going to be posting at least weekly!

The most recent lesson I have learned BECAUSE MY BOY... is the importance of prayer.

Just this month Nixon started to say his own prayers. Although my husband and I help him still, he adds in his own sentences. Mainly he says he is grateful for his blue McQueen, his bumblebee car, his motorcycle, and his other motorcycle. It is so precious and humble. Without fail every time he prays, my heart beams with joy and peace. Hearing his sweet voice pray for such innocent things just melts my heart.

And the lesson came so quickly that I could not have learned any other way besides hearing my own child pray...

When we pray, God rejoices.

He must beam with joy and peace each time his children humbly pray to him. What a great new meaning prayer is to me. And I realize how truly important daily prayer is. God wants us to talk with Him and get to know Him more through consistent prayer.

The challenge is to pray. Pray in humility, pray with a heart as a child, pray with a desire to be close to God, pray for things you are grateful for that you typically do not mention, or simply start to pray. Not only will it bring joy to God, but to us as well.
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